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2019-11-24 13:45:24  阅读:526 来源:自媒体 作者:KTS胜之玥英语


How to behave at work?

Your attitude is just as important as your skills and abilities.

From offices to restaurants, learning to navigate any new job requires a unique mixture of people skills and dedication.

You can learn to make a good impression on your first day, and turn that good impression into a good reputation into the future.


1. Set short-term work goals.


Being a good employee involves going above and beyond the call of duty. Try to be the best employee that you can be by setting personal goals in the short term to help yourself stand out. After a few days of work, try to identify the things you need to work on the most and make it your goal to get where you want to be.

  • If you're working in a kitchen, make it your goal to have all the sandwich recipes memorized by the end of the month, so you don't have to consult your cheat sheet. Or make it your goal to get your plate time down to that of the other employees.
  • Focus more on the quality of your work and less on your efficiency in your first couple of weeks. Make every sandwich well before you worry about making it quickly. Worry about getting faster and producing more as you go on.


2. Be willing and realistic about what you can do.


Good employees are volunteers, willing to take on extra responsibilities and tasks when asked. If you want to cultivate a reputation as a reliable employee, then be willing to do things that need to be done.

  • It's also important to know your limits. If you've already got 10 things to do before you leave today, don't volunteer to do one more thing that's going to take several hours. Budget your time effectively.
  • Be cautious when you need to be too. If a fellow employee asks you to do something you're not sure about, it may be more helpful to think up an alternative plan. Be tactful and defer to your boss for help, if necessary.


3. Just do your work, don't do anyone else's.


A good employee is committed to doing their job well without trying to manage the way others work. When you're at work, stay focused on doing what you need to do to the best of your abilities. Don't spend time getting into other people's work unless they specifically ask for your advice or help. Stand out by getting everything done that you need to do.

  • Try to avoid workplace gossip. It's easy to group into little work cliques that can distract you from your responsibilities. Just focus on doing your work, not how well other people do their work.


4. Be active.


If you see debris littering the floor of your workplace, don't walk around it, then inform your boss that someone needs to do a little picking up. Just pick it up yourself. Do things for the sake of creating a better work environment, not looking like you're a better employee.


5. Bring something extra to the table.


Do your work well and complete it, then look for ways you can do a little extra to help the company you work for reaching its goals. Good employees come to the table with creative ideas for improvements and efficiency tactics to help make your workplace a better place.

  • Try to come up with a few creative ideas each couple of months, then keep them on hand in case they come in handy. Grab five minutes to chat about your idea in private with your boss, instead of bringing it up at a big group meeting.


这仅仅How to behave at work的第二部分内容哦,教你怎么Being a Good Worker,做一名优异的职工。


